The pronouns iel and iels appeared in October 2021 in the Le Petit Robert dictionary.
They correspond to the unmanaged version of the pronouns he (s) and she (s).
These pronouns appear...
instead of parmiS et malgréS ! These two words are never completed by "s". Howerver "toujours" always finish with "s".
2. Appeler, with one or two "L"
Only with "nous" and "...
You probably already heard this phrase: "Si" don't like "-rais" or, in French, Les "si" n'aiment pas les "-rais"
We don't have to say, like in this classic french movie "La Guerre des boutons", "Si...
You can not spend your word spell checkerand you feel very alone with a pen and a sheet of paper?
Have you ever imagined that such mistakes could emphasize as on your screen?
Lernstift did it!
No idea if Ségolène Royal is insane or not, but anyway, no doubt about the fact that she struggled with conjugation
Je déments catégoriquement l'information du Parisien selon laquelle il y aura...
A little lost with tu and vous, the Los Angeles Times decided, for the French nationnale party, to clarify issue with an original graphics
No equivalent in English, vous is often misunderstood, a...
Uninspired advertisers have at their disposal two methods: sex and, more subtle, spelling.
Perrier chose to use both of them.
Internet loves sex so much that it is this aspect that has taken over:...