10 most common mistakes in French

instead of parmiS et malgréS ! These two words are never completed by "s". Howerver "toujours" always finish with "s".2. Appeler, with one or two "L"
Only with "nous" and "vous" this verb takes one "l", otherwise there are two. For more details : http://comment-conjuguer.fr/fr/appeler/3. Les filles se sont lavé les mains
Pronoun "se" is indirect object, so, even if the auxiliary is the verb "être", past participle does not agree with the subject.4. Quelquefois is "almost" always written in one word
It can be written "quelques fois" when it can be replaced by "repeatedly". A doubt ? Play on statistics, there are more chances that we should write "quelquefois".5. Whatever the meaning of the phrase, "quel que soit" is written in 3 words
"Quelque soit" doesn't exist.6. Apercevoir is written with one "p"
Please, confirm it to me, you know it?7. "Elle s'est permis" don't have to be followed be "e"
Same reason than 3 : "se" is indirect object of the sentense.8. "Quel que soit" is always written with 3 words
The same for "quels que soit" and "quelles que soient"9. Au temps pour moi
instead of "autant pour moi" !10. "de façon que"
instead of "de façon à ce que"Pronouns iel and iels
Appearance The pronouns iel and iels appeared in October 2021 in the Le Petit Robert dictionary. They correspond to the unmanaged version of the pronouns he (s) and she (s). These pronouns appear...
Read more10 most common mistakes in French
1. PARMI and MALGRÉ instead of parmiS et malgréS ! These two words are never completed by "s". Howerver "toujours" always finish with "s". 2. Appeler, with one or two "L" Only with "nous" and "...
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