Indicative imperfect / Basic rules
examples : je rigolais, il se droguait, nous travaillions...I laughed, he took drugs, we worked ...
It's very often used in the description of a location
examples : Nuclear wastes poured in nature...les déchets nucléaires se déversaient dans la nature ...
Pronoun | 1st group | 2nd group | 3rd group |
je / j' -ais | tombais | vomissais | surprenais |
tu -ais | tombais | vomissais | surprenais |
il / elle / on | tombait | vomissait | surprenait |
nous | tombions | vomissions | surprenions |
vous | tombiez | vomissiez | surpreniez |
ils / elles | tombaient | vomissaient | surprenaient |
Pronoun | être | avoir |
je / j' | étais | avais |
tu | étais | avais |
il / elle / on | était | avait |
nous | étions | avions |
vous | étiez | aviez |
ils / elles | étaient | avaient |
Pronouns iel and iels
Appearance The pronouns iel and iels appeared in October 2021 in the Le Petit Robert dictionary. They correspond to the unmanaged version of the pronouns he (s) and she (s). These pronouns appear...
Read more10 most common mistakes in French
1. PARMI and MALGRÉ instead of parmiS et malgréS ! These two words are never completed by "s". Howerver "toujours" always finish with "s". 2. Appeler, with one or two "L" Only with "nous" and "...
Read moreSi don't like rais / Les si n'aiment pas les rais
You probably already heard this phrase: "Si" don't like "-rais" or, in French, Les "si" n'aiment pas les "-rais" We don't have to say, like in this classic french movie "La Guerre des boutons", "Si...
Read moreLernstift, pen which detects misspellings
You can not spend your word spell checkerand you feel very alone with a pen and a sheet of paper? Have you ever imagined that such mistakes could emphasize as on your screen? Lernstift did it! Tw...
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